Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I know it's been awhile since I've written anything, but I really didn't have anything to write about. Since the last time I've written, I have turned 27 and I joined That's about it.
I have become more and more unhappy with my job. I work as a manager for a major pharmacy retailer (I'll let y'all put two and two together). I work shift work (meaning I work 8 to 5 or 2 to 11 or 4 am to 1 pm, etc...). I have no consistent schedule (even though I make the schedule, I have to make it fair to everyone). I work weekends consistently. I work all holidays (including Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc). I feel like with the job I have, I have no life. When I work the night shifts, I'm too tired to do anything because I get off at 11 pm. When I work the day shift, I'm happy to go out, but most of my friends cannot go out during the week because of their spouse/kid/job. When I get days off, it's usually during the week, so I have the prior problem. I'm starting the career change process. My Dad is helping me in that process. We are getting my resume together, and I am meeting with the HR person at my Dad's work to just talk and ask questions about HR and get a neutral feel for what I can expect. I love my Dad, but it's hard for him to be impartial because of that. She's not going to give me a job at my Dad's work, she's just being nice and helping me start my journey. Hopefully my Dad and I will have a resume done so I can show her what it looks like and get a feel for what a recruiter thinks of it. I was speaking to a formal employee, and he confirmed something I felt about myself. I mentioned I thought I gave off a "bitch vibe" because I'm just unhappy, and he said, "Yes, I can see that". So, at least I know that I have that I can work on. I just want to seem approachable.
I signed up for for a month. I have done this before, but it pissed me off. I went on one date with a guy the first time I did this. I stopped hearing from him for a while, and then out of the blue he started texting me again, but by that time, I was kind of seeing someone else. But, what pisses me off about is.... Men don't read! I put on there I want a man between the ages of 27 and 35, and yet I still get 40 year olds sending me winks/messages! NO! I know age shouldn't matter, blah blah blah, but I don't want to date someone old enough to be my father. I also had some other things in my "preferences" that the men are not paying attention too. I dunno. I think I'm just a little uncertain of the whole online dating thing, so it's hard for me to give my all to it. We shall see.
I'm going to Vegas soon. July 22nd. I'm very excited. I'm going with my friend, Jen. She is one of my employees. I think we're going to have a lot fun- as long as she doesn't talk about work all the time. I'll miss my puppy and my kitty though.
Well, I guess that's it. If there's anyone reading, I'll be sure to update about the job hunt and the man hunt. Night.

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