Monday, August 9, 2010

It happened again.

My "husband" from Vegas, Marcel, was going to come see me this week. He said he'd fly in Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. I wasn't going to get excited about it, but he was talking about things we'd do and what not, and so I started getting excited. I am excited. Until I got this text message a few minutes ago, "hey 'm not coming to Texas anymore" I responded, "Why?" and he says, "Not being a jerk, I'll just talk to you later hun! have a very wonderful night! ;)" I said, "Ok....." What the hell? No explanation, no nothing... I'm so confused. We were talking about this DVD I made my mom for her 50th birthday. I was telling him how I had one picture out of place and he said, "It'll make for a good laugh for the whole family!! :D " and then he said the "not coming to Texas thing". We were talking about it yesterday and all day today! He seemed genuinely excited, and I know I was.
This ALWAYS happens to me. I always tell myself I'm not going to get excited about something until I know it's a done deal. I shouldn't have gotten excited about it until he gave me his flight itinerary. Fuck me. Fuck me for always having high hopes. I'm tired of always crashing down so hard. For once, I would just like something to go my way... It's not like I was looking to hook up with Marcel or have any kind of romantic relationship with him... I JUST wanted a friendship. We have a lot in common, we share a similar past (not a relationship past). I was just starting to break down my walls that I had built up and letting people back into my trust.... I haven't been crushed like this in a while. *sigh*
I'm not sure what else to say. I guess I'll continue watching this movie (which I rented as a recommendation by Marcel) and then maybe hop in the hot tub... get a drink with an employee that texted me. I dunno. Whatever.